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      Clubs are exclusive groups vips can make for any specific thing, with forums & other features attached to them.

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    3. Counter-Strike Player Reports & Appeals

      When making a ban appeal, please provide as much detail and proof as possible in order for us to best deal with your ban.


      Copy this format, and make a new thread in this category with the thread tag Ban Appeal.

      Your Steam Name:
      Your SteamID:
      What rule did you break?:
      Have you read our rules?:
      Why should we unban you?:


      When making a Player Report, please provide as much detail and proof as possible in order for us to best deal with your report.


      Copy this format, and make a new thread in this category with the thread tag Player Report.

      Your Steam Name:
      Offenders Steam Names:
      Offenders SteamID:
      When did this happen? (Date, Time, and Map):
      What rules did they break:
      What did they do:
      Please post proof you have:


      The following can be accepted as proof:

      • Logs from console (logs of kills and or chat logs)
      • Screenshots
      • Video recordings
      • Demos
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  3. FallenRP

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    4. FallenRP Player Reports & Appeals

      When making a ban appeal, please provide as much detail and proof as possible in order for us to best deal with your ban.


      Copy this format, and make a new thread in this category with the thread tag Ban Appeal.

      Your Steam Name:
      Your SteamID:
      What rule did you break?:
      Have you read our rules?:
      Why should we unban you?:


      When making a Player Report, please provide as much detail and proof as possible in order for us to best deal with your report.


      Copy this format, and make a new thread in this category with the thread tag Player Report.

      Your Steam Name:
      Offenders Steam Names:
      Offenders SteamID:
      When did this happen? (Date, Time, and Map):
      What rules did they break:
      What did they do:
      Please post proof you have:


      The following can be accepted as proof:


      • Screenshots
      • Video recordings
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  4. FallenLA

    1. General

      FiveM Roleplay Server Hub

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    6. FallenLA Player Reports & Appeals

      When making a ban appeal, please provide as much detail and proof as possible in order for us to best deal with your ban.


      Copy this format, and make a new thread in this category with the thread tag Ban Appeal.

      Your Steam Name:
      Your SteamID:
      What rule did you break?:
      Have you read our rules?:
      Why should we unban you?:


      When making a Player Report, please provide as much detail and proof as possible in order for us to best deal with your report.


      Copy this format, and make a new thread in this category with the thread tag Player Report.

      Your Steam Name:
      Offenders Steam Names:
      Offenders SteamID:
      When did this happen? (Date, Time, and Map):
      What rules did they break:
      What did they do:
      Please post proof you have:


      The following can be accepted as proof:


      • Screenshots
      • Video recordings
      • No posts here yet
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  • Fallen-Networks

    Fallen-Networks Community Servers

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    • @ Sailrrr d-did you accept? 
    • Section 4 - Class 4 Violations Any form of corruption within a whitelisted job, such as distributing police department guns, ammunition, handcuffs or stealing from evidence, will result in severe consequences. Impersonating any whitelisted job or faction is strictly prohibited. Modding, exploiting, or injecting of any kind is strictly prohibited in the community. Sometimes, a staff member may request a PC Check, and all players must comply. Failure to comply will be automatically considered an admission of guilt. All players will be given 120 seconds to join the “Staff Waiting Room,” failure to do so will result in an automatic ban without exceptions. Obstructing any service the community provides is strictly prohibited and includes but is not limited to IP logging, injections/LUA injections, and modded client menus. Failing to comply with staff when assisting in an investigation involving the exploitation or abuse of the system to obtain illegal items or excess cash is strictly prohibited. If it is discovered that you were withholding information or providing false information to staff members once the investigation is complete, disciplinary actions can be taken against you. Intentionally exploiting and taking advantage of unintended features, whether for yourself or others, is strictly prohibited. If you accidentally encounter an exploit, you must report it to a staff member immediately. Failure to do so may result in disciplinary action against you. Maintaining a job in the job menu after you have been fired is considered an exploit and will be subject to punishment based on the severity of the reported exploit. Avoid advertising for other servers (Cities) and communities within the FallenLA server. This constitutes poaching and is prohibited. Trading in-game currencies, items, or valuables for any currency or valuables outside of the game is strictly prohibited. Powergaming is defined as using a loophole or exploiting a situation that is not allowed to gain an advantage, whether for yourself or another player. Some examples include speed boosting, glitch rolling, transferring money or items between characters/cousins.   The use of hate speech or discriminatory language is strictly prohibited. This includes offensive terms such as slurs, derogatory comments, or any language that targets individuals based on their race, ethnicity, religion, gender, sexual orientation, or any other personal characteristic. Trolling and no intention to roleplay (NITRP) is strictly prohibited. This includes refusing to engage in roleplay and intentionally disrupting the roleplay experience of others through your actions or statements. This will result in a permanent ban from the community. Sexual roleplaying or Erotic Roleplaying (ERP) is strictly prohibited unless all involved parties have given explicit consent and such roleplay is conducted in a private setting. This includes activities like forcing other players into sexual emoting or roleplaying, making inappropriate gestures or actions in public, or engaging in sexual emotes where others can see them. Harassment in any form is strictly prohibited within the community. This includes personal attacks, derogatory language, threats, or engaging in behavior that targets or singles out an individual player. Additionally, any actions aimed at harming someone's well-being outside of the game, such as telling someone to harm themselves, are strictly forbidden and considered violations of community standards.
    • Section 3 - Class 3 Violations Hitman conduct is prohibited. Such roleplay can lead to low-effort killings, and any violent interactions or roleplay must have a proper backstory. This excludes Hitman player owned businesses. Avoiding penalties and rule-breaking consequences is strictly prohibited. If your account is banned from the community, you must wait out the ban. Trying to circumvent these infractions by creating new accounts or using other server access methods will lead to a permanent and unappealable ban from the server and community. Robbing EMS (including AI Medics), Law Enforcement, or DOJ personnel is strictly prohibited while on duty. Texture packs and shaders are allowed in the community. However, using external assets such as tracers, kill effects, crosshairs, and removal of in-game assets like water, vegetation, shadows, fog, and time cycle modifications is strictly prohibited. Any assets or modifications that provide advantages over other players are considered cheating and should not be used. If you are unsure, please ask a member of staff. The use of third-party assets such as macros and auto-clickers to gain advantages over other players is strictly prohibited in the community. This includes any form of automation software that provides an unfair advantage, such as auto-clickers used to secure jobs or heists. Players are expected to follow these rules and maintain a fair and competitive environment within the community. Metagaming is strictly prohibited. This refers to intentionally using or sharing information that your in-game character did not learn through in-game means. This includes information from streaming sources, Discord channels, etc. Being on a Discord call while roleplaying, for the purpose of sharing in game information, is also not allowed, as it can provide an unfair advantage.
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